New trends in broadcasting are determined by the desire to create quality media. In a world of misinformation and fake news, a huge number of different media applications and communication in social networks, the quality of information has become a major problem for many companies.

At the same time, the future of broadcasting depends on image quality and Internet speed for streaming news on digital platforms. The U.S. is already using 5G Internet for mobile television. The broadcast industry is well known for innovating and adapting to circumstances. The success of the new broadcasting lies in the delivery of accurate and timely updates.

1 direct-to-consumer (D2C) business models
New broadcasters’ audiences are diverse, and companies are investing more money in developing new communications platforms and digital media. Broadcasters want to be closer to a segmented audience.

The difference between information consumption and traditional TV
The difference between information consumption and traditional TV and digital
The D2C model has many advantages for media. When the traditional marketplace does not allow businesses to interact with customers, the D2C model allows for a close connection to the users of the product.

2 Software as a Service.
While SaaS technology is not a new trend, its expansion into broadcast media began largely during the pandemic. The idea of using software that doesn’t reside on your computer has become a new trend for the new media industry. Also, this technology provides the ability to respond quickly.

3 Artificial intelligence technology as a valuable tool for change
On the one hand, people want to have content created by people; on the other hand, media companies are not planning to increase their staff and are looking for ways to automate. The best way is to bring AI technology to life and automate processes that do not require human involvement.

For example, an increasing number of broadcast channels have already begun to use AI for weather forecasts or video captioning. AI is most often used in video analytics and controls the manual process. With another trend in television, introducing AI into the monitoring and analytics process could fill many gaps in the industry.

4 Launching Applications in OTT Delivery Systems
One important step in the process of digitizing broadcasting is the use of a new content delivery system. OTT (over the top) technology has been implemented in successful examples such as Apple TV and Roku. For the industry, this means that television and broadcasting are reaching every possible place in our homes. The future of television broadcasting depends almost entirely on establishing a close connection with users across all applications. That means they can find news, weather forecasts or other real-time content created in their favorite consumer apps.

5 User-generated content solutions
One of the most challenging media changes in the industry is moderating and navigating user-generated content. The world is looking for new platforms to share content and experiences. Broadcast technology is already in users’ smartphones and computers. No special equipment is needed to create a podcast or video stream. The challenge for the media industry is to manage significant and valuable content, misinformation and fake news.

User-generated content (UGC) platforms help brands connect with consumers and track and use text, video or photos created by brand users. Creating new and diverse platforms for communication and content creation is the next step in broadcasting.